Portfolio Performance allows you to compare the performance of your portfolio against one or more indices or stocks over a period of time.
Portfolio / Account [?] |
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Portfolio | Account | Total Return Begin Value | Market Value | Profit in Period | Total Return in Period % | Time-weighted Return in Period % | Account Currency |
Compare to | Symbol | Value at Start of Period | Value at End of Period | Change | Change % |
DOW JONES 30 INDUSTRIALS | INDU.X | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
NASDAQ COMPOSITE INDEX (COMBINED) | COMPX.X | 19,627.44 | 20,041.26 | 413.82 | 2.11 |
S&P 500 INDEX | SPX.XO | 6,040.53 | 6,129.58 | 89.05 | 1.47 |
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