An Account will normally correspond to an account you have with your broker or institution. Accounts may hold Cash only, Investments only, or both Cash and Investments. Note that if your broker account holds Investments or Cash denominated in different currencies you must create a different Profitspi Account for each currency.
Accounts can be grouped into Portfolios for reporting purposes.
Add Account
Enter the details you require in the bottom panel and click Add New Account. You can also Edit an existing Account and then use Add to make a copy.
Edit Account
Click Edit on the line of the Account. The Account details will be displayed in the bottom panel.
Save Changes to Account
After selecting the Account using Edit, overwrite any changes you require in the bottom panel and click Save Changes
Delete Account
You may delete one or more Accounts by selecting the checkbox at the beginning of the line containing each Account and clicking the Delete button at the top of the column. You will be asked for confirmation if the Account contains Transactions.
My Access
Is your access setting for this Portfolio. If you are not using the multi-user features of the Portfolio Users page then it will always be 'All'.