Import Transactions
If you require any help loading your file please contact us at for assistance.
Please be patient during each stage of a Transfer as it can take some time to process your file.
The Import Transactions page enables you to import QIF, CSV and XLS files.
Transfer File
Click Transfer to import your file. You must select the File Location first by clicking on the Browse... button.
QIF Files
QIF files set all long / short transactions to Buy / Sell. When you import a QIF file with 'Replace' selected, profitspi will assume that this is a complete file and will attempt to adjust short transactions to Short Sell and Cover Short. You will be allowed to review these adjustments before they are applied to your Account.
Any errors encountered during the transfer process will also be presented to you for correction.
Cash / Investment Accounts
Some software applications, such as Microsoft Money, will maintain 2 accounts for your Investments: one to track the Investments themselves; and another account to track the related cash movements. Profitspi does not do this - investment and cash movements are held in one account. If you are transferring from such an application you first need to export the cash and investment accounts separately from your application. You should then Import the transactions file first using a Replace / Append option of Replace. You should then Import the cash file using Append.
Associated Help Pages
Import Settings
Apply Transfer