To change the information for one or more Instruments, click the Edit Icon make the changes you need and click 'Save Changes'.
Usually the only attribute you would change is the Name as it will just default to the Symbol.
If you are grouping your Instruments into multiple Exchanges, go to the Exchanges tab first and create the Exchanges and then come back here to Edit and assign Instruments to Exchanges.
If your Instruments come from different markets with different Calendars and Holidays you should create separate Calendars to ensure accurate technical calculations. Go to the Calendars tab first and create the Calendars and then come back here to Edit and assign Instruments to Calendars.
You can also directly add Instruments and Price History. First click 'Add Row', enter your Instrument info on the blank row, Save, and then go to the Price History tab to add history.
All Price History must represent Daily periods. The site will handle translation to Weekly, Monthly, etc. Periods shorter than one day are currently not supported.