Introduction to Charts
You can create unlimited combinations of Symbols and Chart settings for easy retrieval across all of your devices and locations.
Click 'Customize Chart Studies' to open or close the chart customization panel.
In the customization panel you can save chart versions and make copies. If you are viewing one of your existing Charts click 'Apply Changes' to save or 'Copy' to build an additional Chart based on the one currently on display.
Get Charts and Searches
Enter one or more Symbol Ids separated by commas and click 'Get Chart(,s)' to display the charts.
For example, to display a Chart for Apple enter AAPL. And to display side-by-side charts for Apple and Facebook enter AAPL,FB.
If you are ensure of a Symbol Id, enter some of the company name in the box, Eg Apple, and click 'Search'.
Customize Chart Studies
Click 'Customize Chart Studies' to open or close the Charts customization panel.
Charts consist of one or more Areas. The first Area is primarily reserved for the price Plot. And you can add additional Areas as you wish.
Click 'Overlay indicator' to add an additional Plot to an existing Area. For example, you may be showing Candlesticks in the first Area. You could then add an additional Plot to overlay a moving average. Use the Up and Down buttons to re-arrange the Plot order within the Area.
To add a completely new Area click 'Add indicator to new area'. For example, you may have a Chart with two existing Areas for Candlesticks and Volume. To add MACD, click 'Add indicator to new area', select MACD, close the details popup, and then 'Apply...' and the Chart will be extended to show MACD.
To adjust the settings of an existing Plot just click on the Plot to display the details popup. For example, to change a Plot containing EMA(50) to EMA(100), first click on EMA(50), change the Period to 100, and click an 'Apply...' button to save.
Change Chart Duration and Period
Click the duration settings button, Eg 'Daily 6 Months' directly above the Charts to change the chart Duration or Period.
Quick links are provided for Months and Years. For example, click on 3 Months to see a Chart covering that duration.
You can also choose specific dates using the Custom Date Range selector. If you set the From Date only and leave the To Date, the Chart will automatically extend for each new day.
Quick links are provided for the chart Period. For example, click 'Weekly' to see Weekly bars on the Chart.
Resize Charts
To change the size of Charts, hold your mouse pointer over the triangle icon at the bottom right of the first Chart and drag to the required size and let go.
If your device does not support this action you can adjust the size via the 'Settings' panel.
Add Trend Lines
Trend lines are used to show and monitor trends in a stock price.
They can help to show downward or upward trends and to monitor for trend breaks. This site allows you to add your own free-hand trend lines which will then show on any Chart for that stock.
Trend lines cannot be added when there are multiple Charts shown. To enable Trend lines ensure there is one Chart only on display.
To add a trend line just click 'Add Trend Line'. After a short pause you will see a horizontal line with two small end boxes. First drag one of the ends into the appropriate place. And then move the ends in turn until the line is drawn correctly. Click 'Save Changes' when done.
Chart Areas
A trend line has to be contained within the Price Area or a Study Area. On the first move of the end box make sure you drop it on the required area as it will be contained within that area thereafter. If you get it wrong just clear and start again.
Trend Line Attributes
Saved lines will appear on all Charts for the symbol provided that the chart is shown with the same Period setting.
Adjust Global Chart Settings
Click the 'Settings' button directly above the Charts to change global chart settings.
Settings are available for Price Bar Color, Volume Bar Color, Logarithmic Price Scale, Cross-hairs, and Empty Bars.
These settings apply to all of your Charts across the site.
Customize Grid Columns
Click 'Customize Grid Columns' to open or close the Grid customization panel.
To add a new Column click 'Add New Column'. For example, you may wish to add Volume to the Grid. First click 'Add New Column', select Volume, close the details popup, and then 'Apply...' and the Grid will be extended to show Volume.
Use the Up and Down buttons to re-arrange the Column order within the Grid.
To adjust the settings of an existing Column just click on the Column to display the details popup. For example, to change a Column containing EMA(50) to EMA(100), first click on EMA(50), change the Period to 100 and click an 'Apply...' button to save.
The Number of static Columns setting determines how the Grid is laid out and is especially useful to prevent horizontal scrolling on devices with narrow screen width.
This setting is held at the device level and applies to all Grids across all views.
Sort Charts and Grid
Irrespective of the order you input multiple Symbol Ids, the sorting of multiple Charts is still controlled from the Grid.
Click on a Grid column heading to sort by that column. Click again to reverse the sort.
If you need to sort by a column that is not shown, use 'Customize Grid Columns' first to add the column. For example, you could add SMA Average Volume to the Grid and then reverse sort by that to show results in descending volume order.
The page navigation links at the bottom of the Grid will vary depending on the sorted column. For example, you would see AAPL, etc if you sort by Symbol, APPLE INC, etc if you sort by Name, or 10,000,000 AAPL, etc if you sort by volume.
Ease of Movement
The Ease of Movement indicator was developed by Richard W. Arms Jr who also created Equivolume charts.
Ease of Movement values are high when prices move upwards on light volume and low when prices move downwards on light volume. Values around zero indicate that significant volume is required to move the price.
When the indicator crosses above zero this could indicate that prices are moving upwards and can be used as a Buy signal. Likewise when the indicator crosses below zero this could indicate that prices are moving downwards and can be used as a Sell signal.
1. Movement = ((High+ Low) / 2) - ((High[-1] + Low[-1]) / 2)
2. Box Ratio = Volume / (High - Low)
3. Ease of Movement = Distance Moved / Box Ratio * 100000000
A moving average of the Ease of Movement is usually used as a smoothed signal line.