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BARK+BARK, INC. REDEEMABLE WTS, EACH WHOLE WT EXERCISAB9/20/2024NYSE0.09009/20/2024NYSE0.09000.09000.09500.0909
CARMCARISMA THERAPEUTICS, INC.9/20/2024Nasdaq GM0.98009/20/2024NGM0.98000.98001.02000.9898
FIACWFOCUS IMPACT ACQUISITION CORP. - WARRANT9/20/2024Nasdaq GM0.03519/20/2024NGM0.03510.03510.04000.0355
GELGENESIS ENERGY, L.P. COMMON UNITS9/20/2024NYSE12.90009/20/2024NYSE12.900012.900013.035013.0290
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