Introduction to Screening
Stock screening is the process of progressively applying fundamental and/or technical analysis criteria to all stocks in the market to arrive at a manageable number of stocks for further analysis.
You can create unlimited combinations of screening criteria and grid and chart settings for easy retrieval across all of your devices and locations.
Click 'Create New Screen' to build a new screen from scratch. Or see the Stock Screen Library page for some live examples which you can copy.
To access any of your saved Screens just click on the Screen Name below.
See the User Guide on the Stock Screen details page for more information on building stock screens. And please feel free to Contact Us should you require any assistance.
Rename a Screen
To rename one or more of your existing Screens, first click 'Edit Grid Data' to put the Grid in edit mode. Then change the name and click 'Save Changes'.
Share a Screen
By default, your Screens are only visible to you when you are logged in.
However, the 'Can be Shared?' setting can be used to make a Screen public. If this option is set, you can give others the browser address to the Screen and they will be able to view it read-only.
Click 'Edit Grid Data' to put the Grid in edit mode to change the setting.