Backtest and refine trading strategies

Screen US stocks in an instant

Save time and effort searching the market for potential opportunities

Welcome to

Easy to use point-and-click backtesting and screening with no coding required


Backtest screen criteria and trading strategies across a range of dates. Tests can be made against a specific symbol or you can simulate multi-holding portfolios.

Backtest your trading strategies


Screen the market using technical and fundamental criteria to find suitable symbols for further analysis.

Create a custom screen


Save charts for all your favorite symbols, technical indicators, and timescales for easy retrieval next time.

Chart your favorite symbols


Screen for recognized patterns such as a Hanging Man or create reusable blocks of custom criteria.

Create a custom pattern

Online anytime and anywhere via your browser

Instant access from all your devices. All you need is an internet connection

Point-and-click criteria builder

Easily build complex custom criteria with point-and-click or touch-and-click. No application code to learn.

Proprietary in-memory processing

Fast response times with on-the-fly calculations. Use your own settings for technical indicators, Eg MACD(15 29 13).

Unlimited customization

Save unlimited versions of Screens, Strategies, etc for instant access from all of your devices.

15 years of clean data

Use our growing database of cleaned-up data or upload your own.

In-page help

Look out for the 'Tutorial' button at the top of each page for extensive in-page assistance.

Tailored support

Contact us at any time for personalized support or request for a new feature to be added.

Backtesting, Screening and Technical Analysis API

Use our API to run screens and backtests. You can also build and access your own datasets.